Lezoko Herri Eskolako LH 5. mailako ikasleentzat sortutako posta da honakoa, izan ere mundu zabaleko hainbat errezeta lantzen ibili gara klasean eta janari ezberdinen izenak ikasi ditugu besteak beste. Hemen duzue nahi izanez gero osagarri izan daitezkeen hainbat ariketa.
This post is created for Lezo public school Primary 5 students. We´ve been working on different recipies all over the world and, we learned vocabulary about food, cooking tools, etc. Here you have some extra activities.
This post is created for Lezo public school Primary 5 students. We´ve been working on different recipies all over the world and, we learned vocabulary about food, cooking tools, etc. Here you have some extra activities.
- Languageguide.org orrialdetik hartutako ariketak
6- Food:
7-Food 2:
- Pearson Longman web orrialdetik hartutako ariketa;
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