jueves, 8 de mayo de 2008

Disney-en abestiak - Disney songs

Hona hemen Disney-en hainbat pelikuletako abesti ezagunenen bideoak, ingelesezko subtituloekin entzun, ulertu, ikasi eta nola ez, gozatu ditzazun. Orain gutxi batzu dauden arren, eskatu eta jarriko dut zure gustokoa dena!

Here you have videos with English subtitles of some Disney films. The songs are part of the original soundtrack of the films, you can listen to, learn the lyrics and of course enjoy it!

1-Pocahontas " Colors of the wind"http://www.overstream.net/view.php?oid=rpmnn2ioi1tl

2-The Lion King " The circle of life"

3-Aladdin "A whole new world"

4- Tarzan "You´ll be in my heart"

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