martes, 10 de enero de 2012

There is and There are

Hona hemen "There is" eta "There are" modu egokian nola erabili ikasteko ariketa batzuk.

Here you have some activities to practice the use of There is and There are
1- There is/There are Possitive and negative 1
2-There is/there are Possitive and negative 2
3-There is/there are possitive
4.There is/There are possitive 2
5-There is/there are possitive 3
6-There is / There are possitive, negative and questions
7-There is /There are positives 4
8-There is/there are positives 5
9-There is/There are with pictures
10-Choose the correct answer
11-Choose the correct answer looking at the picture

Ariketa gehiago nahi izanez gero klikatu hemen/ If you want more activities click here:

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