Hona hemen asteko egunen izenak errepasatzeko balio digun abesti sinple bat. Espero dut gustoko izatea
This post is dedicated to all my Primary 4 students from Txingudi ikastola.
Here you can find a song, which is very useful to learn the days of the week. I hope you will like it!
Days of the week song
Here you can find a song, which is very useful to learn the days of the week. I hope you will like it!
Days of the week song
2 comentarios:
Kaixo Gari zure ikasletako bat naiz Leire Arrizabalaga,ez ahaztu inoz gure gela 4.A oberena delako inoiz ez ahaztu.
GOGORATU beti gutaz Txingudi Ikastola 4.A
I am searching that type of article from many days ago. Many Thanks......
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