This post was created for Lezo public school Primary 6 students. They learned the past simple and the most common irregular verbs and here you can find some extra activities.
ESL Bears orrialdetik hartutako ariketak
1- Past tense of Irregular verbs 1:
2-Past tense of Irregular verbs 2:
3-Past tense of Irregular verbs 3:
4-Past tense of Irregula verbs 4:
Quia web orrialdetik hartutako ariketa
5-Irregular Verbs Game:
6-Irregular verb Quizz
Galiziako Neira Vilas institutoko web orrialdea
7- Matching excersise 1
8-Matching excersise 2
9-Matching excersise 3
10-Matching excersise 4
Beste batzuk
11-Choose the correct irregular verb
12-Fill in the gaps
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