jueves, 5 de marzo de 2009

Animals 2-Animaliak 2

Here you can find some activities to practice your vocabulary about animals. I get them from the British Council web page.If you want more visit:

Hemen dituzue animaliei buruzko hiztegia errepasatzeko hainbat ariketa ezberdin. British Council web orritik aukeratutakoak dira. Bisitatu nahi ezgero:

1-Colour the animals: Margotu animaliak eskatutako kolorez

2- Animal pairs: Osatu bikoteak

3-Animal Hangman: Asmatu animali izena eta salbatu tximinoa!!

4- Animal Body parts: Idatzi katuaren gorputz atalen izenak.

1 comentario:

Juanma dijo...

Hi, Garitxo! We are the English teachers in charge of the blog at Intxaurrondo Hegoa school. Thanks for including a link to our English Corner too!
We like your blog too! So, please, keep up your hard work!