Lezoko Herri Eskolako LH 6. mailako ikasleentzat sortutako posta da honakoa, gelan lehenaldia landu ondoren hemen dituzue aditz irregularrak lantzeko osagarri izan daitezkeen hainbat ariketa.
This post was created for Lezo public school Primary 6 students. They learned the past simple and the most common irregular verbs and here you can find some extra activities.
ESL Bears orrialdetik hartutako ariketak
1- Past tense of Irregular verbs 1:
2-Past tense of Irregular verbs 2:
3-Past tense of Irregular verbs 3:
4-Past tense of Irregula verbs 4:
Quia web orrialdetik hartutako ariketa
5-Irregular Verbs Game:
6-Irregular verb Quizz
Galiziako Neira Vilas institutoko web orrialdea
7- Matching excersise 1
8-Matching excersise 2
9-Matching excersise 3
10-Matching excersise 4
Beste batzuk
11-Choose the correct irregular verb
12-Fill in the gaps
This post was created for Lezo public school Primary 6 students. They learned the past simple and the most common irregular verbs and here you can find some extra activities.
ESL Bears orrialdetik hartutako ariketak
1- Past tense of Irregular verbs 1:
2-Past tense of Irregular verbs 2:
3-Past tense of Irregular verbs 3:
4-Past tense of Irregula verbs 4:
Quia web orrialdetik hartutako ariketa
5-Irregular Verbs Game:
6-Irregular verb Quizz
Galiziako Neira Vilas institutoko web orrialdea
7- Matching excersise 1
8-Matching excersise 2
9-Matching excersise 3
10-Matching excersise 4
Beste batzuk
11-Choose the correct irregular verb
12-Fill in the gaps
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