Lezoko Herri Eskolako LH 6. mailako ikasleentzat sortutako posta da honakoa, izan ere Egipziar zibilizazioaren hainbat alor jorratu baidituzte klasean. Egipziarren eguneroko bizitza nolako zen, artea, idazketa sistema edo ieroglifikoak, arkitektura landu dituzte besteak beste. Hemen duzue nahi izanez gero osagarri izan daitezkeen hainbat ariketa.
This post was created for Lezo public school Primary 6 students. They´ve been working on the Egyptian civilization and learned many things about, the daily life, art, hieroglyiphics or writing system and architecture. Here you have some extra activities.
This post was created for Lezo public school Primary 6 students. They´ve been working on the Egyptian civilization and learned many things about, the daily life, art, hieroglyiphics or writing system and architecture. Here you have some extra activities.
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